Businesses: Why I Won’t Be Your Friend on Facebook

14 years ago

It happened again just a moment ago. A local restaurant sent me a friend request on Facebook. This, one of…

The Fish! Philosophy and a Book Giveaway

14 years ago

A few jobs ago, I worked for a great company that was trying very hard to improve itself. While there,…

Hallelujah: Social Media and the Church

14 years ago

Reverend J. shot me a note on Facebook, looking for advice on how his church should or could be using…

The Four-Step Framework for Nonprofits Thinking about Social Media

14 years ago

I spend a lot of my time coaching and teaching nonprofit organizations on how to use social media. It's not…

Introducing Jaggers Communications

14 years ago

Yesterday, I shared news on my personal blog that makes the focus of this blog a bit more evident. You…