It’s really impossible to guess what Mark Zuckerberg is going to do next with Facebook. He’s like that guy your girlfriend married, hoping she could change him over time. We all know that story — he’s only going to change when and if he wants to and probably with little to no notice.
A lot of us in the social media business have bitched and moaned for years about how businesses and organizations set up profiles instead of pages. I wrote Businesses: Why I Won’t Be Your Friend on Facebook and have provided a lot of education in workshops and client counsel to either make sure clients have a page and know what to do with it or, if they made the mistake of creating a fake person profile, to get them converted over to a page.
Lo and behold, Facebook had some kind of moment of clarity last week and decided to make it easier for us to convert a profile to a page.
But wait — haha just kidding! Just like that bad husband swearing off the booze on a Sunday, it’s Monday morning and he’s hitting the bottle. Facebook has disabled the profile to business page converter.
It’s a challenge to keep up with the mood swings of the world’s largest social networking platform, isn’t it? Like your gossipy best girlfriend, I’ll keep my ears and eyes open and keep you posted if I learn any more.
Fun isn’t it? One minute you’re telling your clients about a great new FB feature and the next you’re saying “Never mind”. Thanks for keeping us updated!
For the past few years I have been telling clients to not rely on Facebook as a primary portal for their social media communications. I don’t suggest they ignore it and stay away from Facebook, but its an unreliable platform in terms of the whims of it follows and its stream of security lapses.
This latest change, from wish list to reality back to wish list, is yet another example of why business need to create and control their own social media portals and merely use Facebook as a way to funnel that traffic back to their wholly controlled portals.
People seem to think that Facebook is to big to implode … something we heard with AOL just a few years ago.