
Book of Joe

You Say You Want a Google Profile

By Social Media

My friend Joe saw a mention of my Google Profile on Twitter.

Google profile tweet

In case you’re thinking what Joe was thinking, here’s the scoop. A Google Profile allows the user to create a custom page that neatly organizes and displays that person’s social media profiles, accounts, images, websites and external links in one handy place. Since people are constantly Googling one another (oh yes you are!) the best part about the Google Profile is that you, the user, get to customize what people see there.

I know, right? It’s excellent, especially if you’re a content producer like me.

I think the Google Profile is extremely important for business people — CEOs, executives, job hunters and others looking to maintain a clear and professional online reputation.

My profile lives here: http://www.google.com/profiles/marijean.jaggers It has my bio, headshot, links to all the places I am online, my blogs and articles about me that I want you to read.

Make your own. It’s free!