My sister, Marçia Heroux Pounds, is a journalist and the author of a new book you should read; I Found a Job! Job Search Strategies for America’s Recovery.

You should buy it, read it, and buy copies for everyone you know looking for a job (or a new, improved job).
The book is I Found a Job! and you can get it from Barnes and Noble (this is especially important for all of you boycotting Amazon right now.)

A person’s social network plays a big role in how many of the individuals interviewed for this book found new careers and opportunities. As a big cheerleader for social networking, I am thrilled to promote this book as a collection of inspiring stories of people seeking and finding gratifying work.
This book or its development may be familiar to many of you; I used my own social network to help my sister connect to many of the people interviewed for this project and some of those people appear in the book. (If you’re a reader of mine, and you buy I Found a Job! you may see some familiar names!)
Buy the book from Barnes and Noble.