
jump starting your social media presence

28 to 66 Days to Make a Habit

By Social Media

I’ve often read about 21 or 28 days to make an action a habit. A post from Psych Central suggests that shooting for 66 days is more likely to lead to success. It’s a big commitment of time, but if you intend to create a life-long habit, 66 days is a healthy start.

Since we’re all trying to start the new year off right (as evidenced by the crowding at my gym these days), a renewed commitment to social media and marketing activity on behalf of your business is another good resolution to make and keep.

Blogging, writing every day, posting to your company Facebook page, Twitter or Pinterest every day for 66 days should be manageable. I know that just thinking about 66 days in a row of content can be overwhelming, even to the most prolific. I’m trying to jump-start my social media presence, so embarking on this 66 day adventure is a personal exercise. I want to be able to report back to you whether I found it successful, to report the challenges, obstacles, and total road blocks I encounter. I want to lead by example (as I am frequently in the role of cheerleader and coach, encouraging clients to publish and engage online). If I’m successful, I will have published every day from today until March 17, 2013.

Let me know if you want to get on board and join me, and I’ll be happy to link to your blog or Facebook page here.