
kath eats real food

What’s for Breakfast? It Still Matters

By Social Media

A long time ago, I wrote a post about Twitter usage and why we (the people of the social web) care what you had for breakfast. The social web and the community inspired by it continues to evolve, but a constant is the community that forms around food. We all eat, and those of us lucky enough to eat locally, share it, in part, as a method of connecting to others in our community. That community can be geographic, philosophical, contentious, nurturing, gender-based or anything that is the glue that binds it. It’s often not for the creator to define; sometimes it grows organically.

The blog, http://www.katheats.com/ is a good example. Kath Younger began by photographing and blogging every single meal. She grew her online presence to an astounding following and has been recognized by Shape, Oprah.com and hundreds of thousands of hungry readers. The odd thing is that Kath actually lives in Charlottesville, the community where I live and do business. And yet she has this major, national brand and following.

We are not bound by geography or likely audiences. We’re not bound by limitations on what we can create as content producers. We’re only limited by the passion we have for our own work, our lives and our interests.

What’s driving you to create today?

Today, my breakfast is inspiring me — that’s it, up at the top — the most delicious Italian ham, roasted pepper, mozzarella and egg panini at Calvino Cafe. I’m enjoying it and thinking of my friend Brian who will be enjoying a real Italian breakfast in Italy today, lucky dog.