

WTF Happened to my Klout Score?

By Social Media

Lately, the Twitterverse has been FREAKING OUT over dropping Klout scores. It IS kind of a rude shock to check in on Klout and suddenly discover your score has dropped 50 points orWTF? so. What’s even more confusing to some is the sudden jump in scores (not that they’re complaining), but WTF does this all mean?

Klout has been up front about the changes, publishing a blog post about re-configuring scores for “a more accurate, transparent score,”. Klout CEO Joe Fernandez shared the thinking behind the changed algorithm in a post the previous week.

A majority of users will see their Scores stay the same or go up but some users will see a drop. Some of our Scores here at the Klout HQ will drop (including mine) — our goal is accuracy above all else. We believe our users will be pleased with the improvements we’ve made.

This is a project that’s been under development for over three months, and, in many ways, over the three years since Klout started. We appreciate your trust and support and we can’t wait to hear what you think. We will let you know when this new model goes live next week and will continue to work to provide the deepest and most accurate insights into your influence possible.

I think the changes and the reasoning behind the are sound and that ultimately the score changes will even out and settle, providing a more accurate measure of influence for its users. The algorithm (in case this is all Greek to you) measures:

  • how many people you influence,
  • how much you influence them and
  • how influential they are.
    What do you think of Klout?


WTF? Friday: What is Klout, Anyway?

By Social Media

You may have clout, but do you have Klout?

A good tool for measuring influence and paying attention to your content and engagement is Klout.com. From the site:

“The Klout Score measures influence based on your ability to drive action. Every time you create content or engage you influence others. The Klout Score uses data from social networks in order to measure:

• True Reach: How many people you influence

• Amplification: How much you influence them

• Network Impact: The influence of your network”

What I like about Klout is its comprehensiveness; the ability to connect multiple platforms to enhance an individual’s impact and the feedback it gives, allowing the user to learn about the kind of influence they are affecting, and the individuals who both influence the user and whom the user influences.

Using my own Klout profile as an example . . .

My score has been just below 70 for some time. I’m not complaining — 69 is a great Klout score since the total possible is 100. The only user I know that has a score of 100 is Justin Bieber. I don’t want to have anything in common with Justin Bieber, so there you go.

Klout tells me this:

  • I am a “curator” generating actions and discussions with nearly every message;
  • I influence more than 1,000 users with my content; this is my “true reach;”
  • I have a high percentage of content amplified; that is, my tweets and updates are shared often; and
  • I generate a high level of engagement from other influencers.

As a “curator” the site says this about my style of engagement:

You highlight the most interesting people and find the best content on the web and share it to a wide audience. You are a critical information source to your network. You have an amazing ability to filter massive amounts of content to surface the nuggets that your audience truly care about. Your hard work is very much appreciated.

Why thank you, Klout! You look very pretty today. Did you get a haircut?

I love Klout and the way it helps my clients’ businesses stay on message and measure the success of their social engagement. What’s YOUR Klout score?

Social Media Assignment # 11: Find Your Top 5 Ambassadors on Klout

By Social Media

Stop and think for a minute: do you know who your best customers are? Do you know who the ambassadors are — the people who are most likely spreading positive word of mouth about you, your products and services?

You’ve been using Twitter for business for some time, and have established a following. If you’ve been engaging with the community, you have, no doubt, attracted people who support you and share what you tweet. Klout is a site that measures Twitter influence, but it has additional business benefit. It helps you identify who on Twitter is most influenced by your Twitter feed and to learn their potential for carrying that influence forward.

Let’s take the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport Twitter feed as an example. @CHOAirport uses its feed to provide airport news updates, special deals and other information. The account is managed by the executive director of the airport, Barbara Hutchinson. In addition, posts to the airport’s Facebook page, managed by my firm and an airport employee, update the Twitter feed as well.

If we look at the top five people the @CHOAirport account influences, we see some strong relationships emerge.

I see myself at the top, and I should hope so, since the airport is a client! Second is Jeff Uphoff, an airport commission member, pilot and frequent flier. Jeff is someone who helps spread airport news regularly. The third is the local news weather team. The airport has a partnership with The Newsplex and hosts a weathercam that looks out over the runway.

Relay Foods shares CHO’s philosophy of  supporting local business. Allison Linney is a local business owner who flies frequently, always flies CHO, and enjoys spreading the word on behalf of other Charlottesville businesses.

At a glance, you can see the Klout scores of each of these ambassadors. When the airport shares valuable information via Twitter, these people often retweet that information to their followers. The sharing and number of people reached grows exponentially. It’s fast, effective and measurable.

Do you know who the ambassadors for your business are right now? Has it changed, or could it change? What are you doing to reward and reciprocate with those who participate in your community?