
social media for business

Five Things to Do on LinkedIn Before You Leave the Office Today

By Communications

MJ Linkedin
You have an hour or so till the end of your day. There are several projects you could start . . . but why not use the hour and devote it to something you’ve been meaning to get a handle on for years: Your LinkedIn network.

Here are five really worthwhile actions you can take right now, today, before you leave the office.

  1. Upload your email addresses from Outlook or by exporting your contacts and importing them to LinkedIn for a quick, simple way to find out who in your network is already using LinkedIn.
  2. Take a self-portrait or have someone else take a photo of you and post it to your profile. It doesn’t need to be a fancy headshot but the image there should be you, your face should be visible and recognizable and recent (no fair posting that gorgeous photo from your early 20s.)
  3. Edit the title field in your profile to include keywords that represent what it is you do — Vice President or Manager doesn’t really tell me that you’re a logistics expert, or a manufacturing specialist. What else do you do? Are you a trainer, a speaker or maybe even a blogger? Get it in there!
  4. Recommend someone you’ve worked with. It doesn’t have to be long, or gushing — just do it. Share how pleased you were with the work and in doing so, make someone’s day.
  5. Ask someone else for a recommendation. Have you just finished a project or provided a good lead or referral to a contact? It’s time to ask for their endorsement.

Start chipping away at tasks like these and soon, you will be reaping the value of a robust LinkedIn presence.

Top Five Reasons to Get Help with Social Media

By Social Media, Uncategorized
Photo Credit: Todd Wickersty

Photo Credit: Todd Wickersty

Are you or your organization floundering about, trying to get a handle on your online presence? Here are five reasons why you need help:

  1. You have a Twitter account and a Facebook page for your business, but you aren’t really doing anything with it or worse, don’t know what you’re doing with them. In fact, you are only there because your sister-in-law’s cousin (or the equivalent) said you should be.
  2. You don’t have any idea what the social media rules of engagement are, much less how to find or follow them.  Don’t let a social media faux pas ruin your organization’s reputation.
  3. You recognize the need to be active in social media, but you haven’t allocated the time, prioritized the effort or authorized your team to dive in.
  4. You believe in getting a return on your investment.
  5. You really want to serve your customers better.

For more on social media ROI, Erik Qualman’s excellent video (read the book!), Socialnomics: