I’ve been working a lot with clients to develop plans, to track the analytics and success of campaigns, to measure our progress against goals and count the eyeballs viewing content and equating that to footsteps in the door or orders placed online.
But today, I want everyone to stop and forget about the numbers.
It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking about the traffic — the pageviews, the visits, the unique visitors — and forget, for a bit, anyway that these numbers represent people and relationships.
So whether your website sees 10 visits today or 10,000, instead of the numbers, think about what you’re giving to the people who are interested enough in you, your business, your products and services that they’ve come to visit, to read your content and to ask a question, leave a comment, click “like” or share your blog post with a friend. Who are these kind and generous souls behind these numbers? If you don’t know, today’s the day to find out.