A few jobs ago, I worked for a great company that was trying very hard to improve itself. While there, I was part of the management team and was introduced to a concept called the Fish! Philosophy.
I love Fish! and have tried to use the ideas and the training I received in every workplace I’ve had ever since. I always thought, if I ever have my own company, that’s what I’m going to use to keep my team and me focused and enjoying our work.
To celebrate a new beginning and the launch of Jaggers Communications, I want to share Fish! with you.
There are four principles of the Fish! Philosophy:
- Play
- Make Their Day
- Be Present
- Choose Your Attitude
It seems very simple but it takes effort to really put this philosophy into action. There’s a wonderful little book I’d like to share with you so you can consider taking Fish! to your workplace, too.
In the comments, tell me about something you’ve learned on the job that made a big difference in how you work.
On December 23, at midnight, the contest will end. I will use a random number generator to choose one winner of the Fish! Philosophy book. (Winner will be announced December 24, 2010, Christmas Eve.)
Update: Our winner (determined by random number generator based on comments below) is Soccer Mom! Congratulations!
Thank you to all of you for the comments and Merry Christmas!
I continually learn the value of being nice and doing the job right the first time. If you try to cut corners, you run the risk of the customer coming back and being unhappy. Then it makes you spend MORE time getting things fixed.
Be nice, do it right, and your customers will be happy. And they’ll tell others.
I did the Fish! training some years ago, too. Loved it, and I just re-read the book a few months ago.
I’ve learned almost everything on the job – that is, I learn by doing. Some of the lessons that stick with me most, however are the ones that sting. I had a boss way-back-when tell me I had great ideas, but I was not so good with follow-up. (He was actually a little harsher than that.)It hurt, but I came to understand that the best ideas weren’t worth squat if you didn’t execute. Still good to remember.
I’ve learned that playing will make me more creative, in touch with the right brain way of thinking. Which helps solve problems for clients in new ways.
Years ago I realized work was just like i did fly-fishing. If you took your time, improved your skills, thought like a fish, and enjoyed the surroundings then things just worked out better. Looking at the 4 principles above I think the Fish! Philosophy might be wroth looking into.
Over the years, I learned that listening, really listening, to other people is important: Listening to what my boss wanted, listening to what my colleagues needed, listening to what donors and constituents were telling me. Just by paying attention, I was able to make donors happy and help my colleagues when they needed it.
Choose your attitude. That is one thing that I always knew but wasn’t really aware of until I worked with my last boss. It is now something that I purposefully do every day. His spirit and enthusiasm made all the difference in our office. Good times were great and bad times were when we all rallied together. Bringing your best attitude to the game helps others on days that it may be hard for them to make a positive choice. My favorite story about attitude was when I spent a few months working out of the operations dept of one of my jobs. One morning when I came in someone said to me, “You have got to stop coming in here so darn happy every day”. That’s chipping away at a bad culture! I told that person that I couldn’t do that and that if I did they would miss it!
I learned that sometimes deep breathing is just what you need at work…so laughing works, a tight hug (I reserve those for home) or a complete exhale can really help in a stressful situation.
Hmmm…what have I learned? Does it have to be positive? Ha…actually I have learned that if you do it right the first time you don’t have to worry as much about the product you’re selling. And that you’re always a representative of the company you work for so act correctly–never critize your bosses/company in public…no matter the reason! What I haven’t learned is how not to check work email from home.