I just got a notification that read, “Christopher Long would like to connect with you on LinkedIn.”
Now, it’s not completely ludicrous that Superbowl winner, New England Patriot, and former St. Louis Ram Chris Long would want to be connected to me. We have met, after all, when I worked on the media relations for Champion Brewing Company’s collaboration Waterboys IPA.  We live, in the off-season, in the same town. I saw him at the gym just last weekend.
If you’re still not sure to whom I am referring, this guy:
Chris Long
Still, I saw the notification and I said …
Get. Out.
And, like a SCHOOL GIRL, thought, “He remembered me!”
And then I clicked through to LinkedIn.
Not him.*
*Apologies to this Christopher Long, whom I have not met. He probably gets mistaken for the other guy all the time.
*SNORT* You are the best. <3