Will Chico’s Change the Conversation? A Retail Challenge.

15 years ago

I was tempted by this e-mail, offering 25 percent off a dress I'd really like to own. I'm traveling a…

Five Ways to Avoid a Social Media Spanking

15 years ago

Let's face it; if you screw up, the people of the Internet can be pretty ruthless. It's like the old…

Time vs. Newsweek and the Demise of the English Language

15 years ago

I'm a fan of Newsweek. I have been a subscriber and avid, cover-to-cover reader of the magazine for about 20…

How NOT to use LinkedIn: Three D’oh!s from a Real Life Example

15 years ago

I got a bizarre e-mail today. "J. is a friend of  D. and noticed your profile on LinkedIn," the message…

Twitter: Why We Care What you Had for Breakfast

15 years ago

I can't tell you how many times this example has been thrown my way, as a challenge to the relevancy…