I made this grand gesture — I was going to blog every day until March 17. And then, of course, I got sick. So sick that I could totally empathize with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s flu-fainting-concussion-blood clot on the brain journey recently. There have been times when I wasn’t sure I wasn’t going to take a dive and bang my head on the bathtub over the last day or so. So yeah, I’m sick, and that prevented me from blogging. Excuses, excuses.
I’m still down for the count but trying to maintain some level of connected-ness to the outside world. There are many e-mails to which to respond, and I’ve been frantically canceling and rescheduling meetings. The blog, clearly, was at the bottom of the list. But I’m here right now to show you I mean it; I’m committed to this, germs be damned.
When it’s viruses that “go viral” there isn’t much we can do but slug down some NyQuil and sleep it off. But in this moment of feeling moderately OK, I am checking in to let you know that a) I’m human, too and b) business doesn’t stop moving forward for a little old virus.
Okay, my social media guru, if you can, I can. I don’t even have the flu, just took a month off for–I’m not sure what? Sharpening the saw? Should be needle-sharp by now! Take care!