My friends Jay Baer and Amber Naslund have published a new book about the social web and how it has changed how we do business.
The NOW Revolution: 7 Shifts to Make Your Business Faster, Smarter & More Social
I’ve been excited about this book for a long time, since the first time Jay shared that it was in progress and the teaser previews he would “let slip” along the way. Jay’s excitement is always infectious.
I’m also excited because Jay and Amber happen to be two of the smartest social media strategists in the business. I learn from them all the time and enjoy their writing styles and personalities. I haven’t quite finished my copy of the book, but so far, I’m sold and I think you will be as well.
Oh yeah — and did you know that Jay and Amber met via Twitter?
I am lucky enough to be one of the 75 winners who were given a free copy of the book and a second copy to award to a reader.
That’s where you come in. I’m hosting a contest to provide that second copy to one of you, but you’re going to have to work for it.
Seduction Junction, What’s Your Function?
I’ve told you the story before, how Shel Israel once told me that to get people engaged in social media, you have to seduce them into it. (Since today is Valentine’s Day, it somehow seems appropriate to throw around the idea of seduction.)
Tell me, in the comments, what YOU have said, done or shown to other people in your office, clients or colleagues to get them excited about using social media for business. I will narrow down to the top three answers and then let you vote for the top response. All of the comments need to be on this blog to be eligible to win (if you learn about this contest on Facebook or via Twitter, your responses there will NOT count as contest entries.)
The deadline for this contest will be midnight (Eastern, USA), this Friday, Feb. 18, 2011.
I’ll narrow down the best comments over the weekend then host the poll to pick the favorite on Tuesday, Feb. 22.
CONTEST UPDATE: Comments have been closed. Winner will be announced Feb. 22.
Help choose the winner of The NOW Revolution — enter the poll to choose your favorite comment below.
I tell bad and dirty jokes. Really. I guess the bigger point is this: the way to get people excited about any medium – social or otherwise – is to create appealing content in that medium.
Not that my stuff is appealing. Just sayin’.
If you can demonstrate how social media can deliver a desired, and often immediate, return enthusiasm will follow, but it needs to be meaningful.
Case in point, it happened to be a slow news days when we posted to Twitter about our need for home delivered meals drivers. The Newsplex (bless them!) picked up the story and ran it that evening. By the next morning we had a dozen calls. Will it happen every time? No, but it certainly gave staff and management a reason to believe.
And, again our thanks to the reporters and volunteers!
I’m pretty sure I got this advice from Marijean:
I showed non-tweeters the hashtag related to their organization so they could see the chat they were missing — and should be joining.
The conversation is taking place, with or without you.
In 18 months on Twitter and Facebook I’ve met, connected with, and become friends with far more people here, than I had in the previous 10 years living here without it. Social media is networking on steroids. Trying to go without it is like leading a sedentary life and expecting to remain fit.
When we had our first meeting to discuss the fact that we really needed to be engaging with our customers via social media I really didn’t need to actually SAY much at all. I just pulled up the very active Facebook pages of our top competitors in each of our geographic areas… they were there, they were active, and it was CLEAR they were talking to OUR customers! Point made!
I spoke about the success of social media and the immediacy of communications during my interview with the Augusta Regional Chamber of Commerce, and I was asked to start a Facebook business page during my first week on the job. Before we even “announced” the page, we had more than 20 “friends,” and now, just three days after our “publication,” we have had more than 2,000 views of our events and news items. Social media works for the Chamber, and it will — and should — work for you.
Aside from personally inviting over 400 friends to join Facebook because it was way more professional than the ever-popular ‘MySpace’–we now have chiropractic college reunions online–everyday.
I’ve shared with my colleagues that as a working mom with a little one, launching a biz in a down economy in a new location…all I could manage WAS growing my biz through social media and connecting online.
I’ve had at least 20% of my new patient base come in as referrals from social media, not to mention thousands of dollars of free media exposure on the news, magazines (including a national publication), newspapers, and numerous websites….all from consistently and sincerely getting engaged in social media.
It’s cost me time and sweat equity, but the pay-off has been tremendous. Seriously…who can’t afford to get involved today?