Hotels, WiFi, and the Hardworking Business Traveler

By January 21, 2013Communications, Social Media

I’ve been traveling on business since late 2005. I used to travel at least once a month. It was, and continues to be, astounding to me how many airports, hotels and resorts haven’t stepped up their WiFi game. I’ve paid (or the business has) for more WiFi access than is reasonable, while winging through terminals or stuck in hotels and conference centers. It’s frustrating, especially when there’s a limit on access, (so what if I want to work all night?) or the service is slow or faulty.

I’m wondering tonight, as I’m on the first business trip of 2013, if we’ve turned a corner. Crazy, right, that it’s taken more than seven years!? As I checked in to this lovely Holiday Inn, I was given an access code (totally OK) and told that they’d really invested in improving the quality of their wireless access. And — da, da, dada! It’s free. I can confirm all of that. The wireless access is excellent, and took no time to connect. It’s a relief, for the hardworking business traveler, to have the tools of our trade right at our fingertips.

Now, if only it were warm out, and the pool were open.

One Comment

  • lewisnelson says:

    I definitely agree! Over the years I find myself less and less frustrated with hotel WiFi… it has been consistently faster, with strong WiFi signals, and free! Now airports on the other hand; I’ve rarely been more frustrated at the exorbitant fees they charge (and it has at times taken me up to 10 minutes just to get connected, paid for, and logged in).