How Weird: our Lives Online

By June 14, 2011Social Media

My dear friend Alice Richmond is someone I’ve never met in person, but I simply adore Alice. Are we friends? Heck, yes.

Alice sent me a video via Facebook today, that had me snickering all the way through. Sure, when you step back and look at our online lives it DOES look pretty funny. Enjoy!



  • KenMueller says:

    Very very funny stuff and so true.

  • Marijean says:

    It makes me want to go downtown with a pad of post its and put LIKE on a bunch of stuff.

  • KenMueller says:

    @Marijean well, when we finally meet I’ll bring the post-its along. And I’ll stick LIKE on all the pies you bake for me, and anything else I see that I LIKE