People I Wish We Had the Opportunity to Partner with More Often, Part 1

By August 17, 2012Marketing, Media, Social Media

This industry (marketing/public relations/social media) is filled with really outgoing and fun personalities. It’s not a huge surprise. I mean, we’re the communicators after all. But I have found that there are some people I’ve met who I am continually staying connected with in the hopes that we’ll have the opportunity to work together.

Billy Hunt is one of those people. He’s known for his commercial photography and documentary work with CLAW, but he’s more recently gained some national attention for the SCREAMatron. He was featured on the Today Show and in the New York Times, and basically, he’s sort of a big deal around here.

The second we start talking with a client about adding video to their web presence, I think of him. Check out this cool video he did for Boylan Heights (with original music!): Boylan Heights video

I love that are artists like Billy are here and able to make a living doing what they love.