Social Networking for the Twentysomethings: LinkedIn

By November 8, 2010Communications


  • Hi there Marijean – isn’t this insane?!

    I spoke to a group of high schoolers a few weeks ago, and 1. they didn’t have LinkedIn (I guess this is somewhat understandable since they’re not really looking for professional jobs quite yet) and 2. had no idea what Foursquare was. Also only 2 students out of about 100 that I spoke with had a Twitter account. This just goes to show that I guess we’re still not at the point we (in the marketing world) sometimes think we are. It’s important to keep educating and not take for granted even a basic understanding of the main tools we use on a daily basis. What a wake up call! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  • kelsey says:

    Thank you, Mama Jags. I followed your lovely advice. It’s so nice to see my age group directly being addressed. I feel a lot of us need all the help we can get 🙂

    Love youuuuuu!