social media education

Digital Citizenship: Best Practices for Navigating Social Media as a Student

At Jaggers Communications, we're all pretty big fans of education. It doesn't hurt that we're all parents, a few of…

12 years ago

Good Community is a Timeless Social Media Value

We were at a client meeting last week presenting social media strategy, and Marijean was kind enough to mention my…

13 years ago

Five Ways to Beware the Social Media Scammer

There was an interesting study released last year by Booz & Co. in partnership with Buddy Media on social media…

13 years ago

The Culture of Social Media without the Platforms; Mind = Blown

It's a very busy time for my business and yesterday included a marathon of meetings right in a row (six!).…

13 years ago

The One-Time Only Plan Development Workshop

That’s right – I mean it – I’m only offering the Digital Communications Plan Development workshop once. Why? It’s my…

14 years ago