
tweets by Obama

Color me Doubtful: Barack Obama to Tweet “Personally”

By Public Relations

Barack ObamaAfter what already seems like a long summer of mis-tweeting politicians and executives, the news of our most senior executive composing his own tweets seems out of place. Obama for America has been managing the president’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, but now, going into the 2012 presidential campaign, President Barack Obama will contribute to the Twitter timeline signing his personally authored tweets with a “– BO.”

Now, I may be a jaded, cynical public relations person but my gut tells me this is not so. Would the leader of the free world really be allowed to update Twitter personally? Will Barack Obama be allowed to DM? To use hashtags, to Twitpic and @reply? Will he get to add new users to follow — or, better yet, choose who to unfollow? What if he makes a mistake? What then?

What do you think? Is there anyway the Twitter account @BarackObama would ever be tweets straight from the man himself?

[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/BarackObama/status/82505176849711104″]