Thoughts on Rewarding Fans

By October 11, 2011Social Media

A couple of weeks ago I felt like sending someone flowers. More specifically, I wanted to reach out and surprise one of my Twitter followers by making their day a bit brighter in a

The FTD Golden Autumn Bouquet

memorable way.

I tweeted that I was going to send a follower flowers and had a couple of people jokingly say they wouldn’t mind being recipients, so I picked one and ordered a bouquet.

I was kind of excited, waiting for the day that the flowers would arrive; looking forward to seeing a tweet or a Facebook update noting the surprise.

I like surprising people in gentle ways, mostly with pie, but this time, flowers just seemed like the right way to go.

It has gotten me thinking a lot about how we reward fans; how our clients recognize the relationships with the most loyal, the most ardent supporters of their businesses.

So this week my challenge to my clients and to you, business people following this blog, is to think of a way to make the day of someone who believes in you and in your business. Let me know how you’re going to do it — and I promise, giving is just as fun as receiving.



  • Flowers from a Twitter relationship would definitely make me feel like I was one in a million (cause I am, right?). It’s amazing how little it takes to make someone feel that way, though. I just emailed a photo of my own garden flowers to a tweep whose spirits I wanted to lift (didn’t have an address), and got an overwhelmingly sweet response.

  • Marijean says:

    @ShakirahDawud it’s less about what’s done than just doing it — make someone’s day!

  • drgarnecki says:

    My two biggest referral sources in my practice come from word of mouth and website. I have a handful of amazing and loyal patients who are referral machines. I don’t have a specific (publich) formula for rewards, but I have been known to give out a gift certificate for a smoothie, a cool t-shirt, or even a complimentary treatment session for my most avid referral sources. They’re awesome, and I appreciate them!

  • sajego says:

    I liked the giveaway that Smart Wool did last December. You signed up on their facebook page to receive a pair of socks, or a hat, or something in the mail and then you could invite your friends to do the same (and get more for yourself?). It may have actually been ‘a chance to receive’ – I honestly don’t remember, because I got socks, my mom got gloves, and a bunch of other people received things, sometimes more than one thing. Mine had a hand-signed card along with it. I’m thinking of doing something like this this year with x-mas ornaments.

  • Marijean says:

    @sajego Hey, I entered that, too — because I saw you did, but I don’t think I got anything. And I love Smart Wool!