Three Firsts: A Webinar, a Vlog and a Commencement Speech

By May 26, 2010Social Media


  • mollie bryan says:

    Great job on this. Trying new things as often as possible benefits everybody. Good luck with the commencement speech. You will ROCK.

  • GREAT video! Gorgeous, intelligent, sophisticated (no valley “um, like, um”), what else can I say? And congratulations on being the commencement speaker-those students are lucky.

  • Brava! Constantly trying new things is great advice for anyone, especially young grads (and us older learners, as well!)

  • Marijean says:

    You guys are the best! Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Doing just one new thing is a big deal – you’re doing 3! Way to go, Marijean, and GOOD LUCK!

  • Molly Fulton says:

    Wow – you look gorgeous! Nicely done and I must say, it seems very brave to me. Keep going for it!

  • Marijean says:

    Thanks so much Molly (this makes me so incredibly self conscious!) And isn’t it true that there’s a fine line between brave and crazy?

  • Exciting day ahead of you — congrats on all of the “firsts!” I’m inspired to try something new now; just have to figure out what 😉 I’m on the prowl now.

  • Wow! You look and sound great! Very professional. I haven’t had the courage to try a Vlog yet, but this has encouraged me a bit.

    Good luck with the commencement speech!

  • Marijean says:

    Thanks Jen — it’s amazing how much faster it is to do a video post! First up is a national webinar to teach social media to nonprofits. Then I’ll focus on the speech for tonight. Thanks for the wishes!

  • I LOVE THIS! I love the perfectly manicured eyebrows AND the lipstick! 🙂

    Don’t you love vlogging? So much easier and people respond to it quadruplicate! Keep doing it!