What Do You Do When Technology Fails You?

By October 6, 2010Social Media


  • Marcia says:

    When technology fails, there’s nothing you can do about it, so take a mental vacation. That’s more fun when there’s people around with to socialize — when are computers crash that’s practically the only time anyone at my office talks to each other!

    But since you’re solo, get away from the computer. Take a walk, pick up a book, listen to some music, and yes, use it as an opportunity to connect with friends and family. Call me anytime, sis!

  • Alice R says:

    I go hiking, play with my dogs, sing songs, cook, visit elderly neighbors, do the laundry that never quite makes it to the machine, plan an insurrection, deep condition my hair, catch up on my Netflix, browse seed catalogs, and contemplate the big multi-day hike I want to do during the summer I turn 50.

    Treat it like that precious time you always wish you had, but never do. It IS that time. It’s minutes and hours of your life that you will never get back.