What You Read in 2014 on the Change the Conversation Blog

By December 29, 2014Social Media

I like to take a peek at the Google Analytics of this site for the full year overview toward the end of each year. Looking at what visitors read the most helps shape what I decide to publish in the coming year. In 2014, the most visits were to posts about creating good LinkedIn summaries — something it seems most of you still struggle to complete.

The first post of its kind shared six good examples of summaries.

This post was the second collection of good summaries.

After that, the most visits were to posts about crisis communications, particularly around the social media surge that happened with the disappearance of Hannah Graham from Charlottesville, Va.

Another popular post in 2014 took a look at news values — what they are, and how to make sure your business is paying attention to them before posting, pitching, engaging media.

What was the most popular content your blog produced in the past year?