Media Alert: Jaggers Communications Offers Blogging Best Practices Workshop


For more information, contact:

Marijean Jaggers


Jaggers Communications Offers Blogging Best Practices Workshop

WHAT: A workshop for bloggers, those interested in blogging and those responsible for creating online content as part of their jobs. Participants will be led through exercises to improve blog posts, headlines and searchable content.  This workshop shares blogging best practices from seasoned blogging professionals applied to all levels of social media expertise.

WHEN: Thursday, February 24, 2011, 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. Fee: $60/participant.

Register online:

WHERE: OpenSpace in The Conference Studio, 455 Second Street SE, Suite 100,Charlottesville, VA 22902, phone: 434.566.0880,


About Jaggers Communications

Jaggers Communications is a strategic communications firm that provides organizations in the health care, education, manufacturing, travel and tourism industries with social media consulting, public relations support and reputation management strategy. The firm was founded in 2011 to serve businesses and nonprofits with a need for cost-effective, strategic communications with effective reach.