Marijean Jaggers

5 Reasons Not to Be a LinkedIn Hater

    I was in a client meeting not long ago when the use of LinkedIn was mentioned. “I hate…

7 years ago

Nextdoor: A Practical Application of Social Media for your Neighborhood

My friend Sean Tubbs, a reporter for Charlottesville Tomorrow, is, like me, always interested in emerging forms of media. Sean…

11 years ago

Why is LinkedIn Important?

I'm asked often if it's important to have a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn can be useful for a number of reasons:…

11 years ago

WTF? Friday: LinkedIn Bans Prostitutes, Allows Goofy Endorsements

It's outrageous, right? That all this time, LinkedIn has had users whose professions include prostitution, and that endorsements like "rape,"…

12 years ago