Categories: MediaPublic Relations

WTF? Friday: J.C. Penney and the Terrible Tween Girl Tee Shirt

You probably saw this one coming as today’s WTF? Friday topic. J.C. Penney caught the wrath of the Internet this week when they marketed a shirt to tween girls that said, “I’m too pretty to do homework.” The Twitteverse, in particular, was aflame with demands the sexist tee shirt be withdrawn (it was).

I think J.C. Penney handled the mistake (which, granted, should not have happened in the first place, but that’s the definition of a mistake, right? Also, some buyer probably just got fired) pretty well and a review of their engagement in the social space reveals some good interaction. They apologize, they fix problems when they arise and they celebrate the good feedback.


‘Spokesperson Ann Marie Bishop told ABC News: “We’ve immediately discontinued sales of that T-shirt. It was only online … We agreed that the shirt does not deliver an appropriate message.” ‘

J.C. Penney is one of a few national retailers that really does a good job online. If you’ve sworn them off forever, reconsider. It was just a dumb tee shirt.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/jcpenney/status/106709373585330177″]

Marijean Oldham (Jaggers), a social media specialist and public relations professional, is president and CEO of Jaggers Communications LLC, a strategic communications firm based in Charlottesville, Va.

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