
Jaggers Communications News

Philanthropy Day and Corporate Social Responsibility: Call for Community Partners

By Communications, Jaggers Communications News

Today we celebrate Philanthropy Day with the 2012 Jaggers Communications’ community partner, Center for Nonprofit Excellence. In a little while, I’ll be heading over to the Omni to hear keynote speaker Bob Sweeney tell us about the changing face of philanthropy, and to visit with many nonprofit and local business leaders.

As an individual, I was raised by parents to give back to my community. We always volunteered as a family, with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, with the American Diabetes Association, United Way, our church and other opportunities as they arose. We also contributed donations when we could, and I distinctly recall as a little kid hosting a backyard carnival to raise money for Ronald McDonald House.

As a business person, I was “raised” by other business people who also believe in giving back. We devote “time, talent and dollars” to community partners every year. When I opened Jaggers Communications in January of 2011, I was determined to continue that commitment and so, each year, we select one or two community partners to support in the coming year.

We’re interested in learning about YOUR nonprofit — your mission, your challenges and your communications goals for 2013. Please e-mail me directly at mjaggers at if you have a specific campaign, project or communications need we can support next year. We’ll be reviewing requests for support from now till the end of the year, and will announce our nonprofit community partners in January.


A little more here and less over there

By Jaggers Communications News, Marketing

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re under construction. After many rumblings and long ponderings, Marijean and the team have decided to spruce up the place a bit. We’re also releasing a monthly newsletter. (If you did not receive July’s, you can sign up here.)

Please pardon the mess, and I promise it will be nice and clean (and easier to navigate!) soon.

Jaggers Communications has a New Home

By Jaggers Communications News

Do you like games? Let’s play a game!

We spent the last week or so moving into a new office in Charlottesville. It took us awhile to find just the right spot, and we’re slowly acquiring furniture and settling in. Lucky for us Blue Ridge Internetworks already had fiber in our new building so we were up and running immediately (thanks Tommy!).

On to the game . . . this is a quick snapshot view from my office window.

Can you tell me where the new Jaggers Communications World Headquarters is?

A Love Letter to Charlottesville

By Communications, Jaggers Communications News, Uncategorized

Dear Charlottesville,

I love you.

On Tuesday, I joined my team at your Chamber’s Spring Luncheon. We were a sponsor and Marijean said a little something about communications. People clapped. It was great.

I got a chance to chat with Rachel of Alison Partners about innovative business thinking and how her background in design has greatly influenced her company’s success in organizational strategy and development. This was followed by a booming, passionate speech by Mike London, UVA Football Coach. I nearly strapped on some cleats. The speech and supporting football clips did exactly what they were meant to, shook us out of our post lunch daze and made us sit up and listen. Finally, I had the privilege of sitting with Amos Gilkey of CleanWaveGroup. He was explaining to me how his company is a catalyst for inventors needing a business plan and technological ideas that need shaping and packaging. Their support translates into new revenue streams and growth into overseas markets.

Charlottesville, I love you. I love that this much passion and excitement dwells in a town of 100,000. I love that we could go to a winery, a presidential estate, and a talk on innovation in the same day if we wanted to.

Sometimes I think you get a bum wrap being compared to DC. You may be small. But you, my friend, are mighty.



Greatest Hits

By Communications, Jaggers Communications News, Marketing

Just like VH1 and late night infomercials, we are coming up with a greatest hits compilation.

Click to enjoy a brief, musical interlude: Greatest Hits of the 90s.

Unlike those two, ours will be mostly about our area of expertise: social strategy, public relations, crisis communications and brand positioning.

You’ll notice we added a “Newsletter” tab at the top of the page. Please take a moment to sign up, and you’ll receive our brand, spanking new newsletter very soon.