Public Relations

Morgan Stanley Advisers to Start Using Twitter, LinkedIn: Fair Warning

In May, financial industry giant Morgan Stanley decided to allow its brokers to begin using social media in the course…

13 years ago

How to Handle a Client that Won’t Take Your Counsel

My friend Ken and I were chatting via instant messenger while working last night. An excerpt of our conversation follows:…

13 years ago

The Chez Stands Alone

He was the incredibly handsome (or so my revisionist history would have me believe) older brother of my college dorm-mate. We…

13 years ago

React and Respond: Letters to the Editor and Online Comments Get the Job Done

One of the more eye-opening moments I had as a young PR intern had to do with letters to the…

13 years ago

Color me Doubtful: Barack Obama to Tweet “Personally”

After what already seems like a long summer of mis-tweeting politicians and executives, the news of our most senior executive…

13 years ago

Duke Nukem Forever’s PR Exec’s Takes a Twitter Fall

I have to wonder if Jack Dorsey ever dreamed Twitter would lead high-ranking executives, politicians and professionals to lose their…

13 years ago

On Mistakes, and the Benefit of Learning from Them

Mistakes. If you can't admit you've made them, you don't belong here. I've made a lot of them; some of…

13 years ago

What does your digital footprint say about you?

Have we arrived at the moment when it's actually rude to have not Googled someone before you meet? I remember…

13 years ago

“Coal Cares” Crisis: What Peabody Energy Should Do Now

Today's news includes the story of a hoax launched as an attack on coal company Peabody Energy. In short, an…

13 years ago

5 Ways Nonprofits Can Use Twitter for Fundraising, Brand Awareness and Public Relations

I've had a soft spot in my heart for nonprofits my whole life. At an early age I tagged along,…

13 years ago