I let you have a few days off; call them virtual snow days. Now, back to work!
If you’re not on Twitter, go set up an account at www.twitter.com We’ll wait.
If you’ve ignored that last line, still don’t have a Twitter account and yet are still reading this post (tough room), here’s the deal — you want a Twitter account in the name of your choosing yesterday. If you don’t grab your name, or the name you want it will be gone (if it is not already). So even if you’re not quite ready to tweet, grab your name (and make sure you tweet a little or you will lose it.)
You have a Twitter account and you’re following a few people; some are friends or bloggers you follow, others found you and you’re simply following them back.
Today’s Social Media Assignment: Find People to Follow on Twitter
Go to http://www.tweepz.com
Conduct a search using query tools, for example:
name: “Marijean Jaggers”
loc: Charlottesville, Va.
Use keywords to help you find the people you seek. Realize that, as usual, search is only as good as the information to find, so if people haven’t completed their biographical information, they may be more difficult to find. THIS IS A NUDGE TO GO COMPLETE YOUR BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION.
Ahem. Subtlety is not my strong suit.
Let’s see who we can follow, shall we?
For fun, I did a search for people with “business” in their bio, entering: bio: business.
Naturally the return was a huge number of users; more than 25,000. The next step when something like this happens is to refine your search by excluding extracted entities. Because I speak English, I start by excluding other languages, then I’ll move to excluding users who don’t follow anyone and so on down the line until I’ve created a more specifically generated list of people I want to follow.
You may be doing this exercise for yourself or for a client — if you’re generating this information for monitoring purposes, you can create an RSS feed to follow the search.
I hope this helps you develop new relationships via Twitter and you find it as beneficial as I have.