

How Cost Plus World Market is Using Pinterest

By Marketing, Social Media

I’m not a person who enters contests. That’s why, when I found myself spending an extraordinary amount of time entering a contest put on by World Market — with the chance to win just a $100 gift card, I took notice.

What compelled me to go through the steps necessary to participate? Especially because it was time consuming AND the payout is relatively small? One answer: Pinterest.

Part of it is professional curiosity to see how a consumer business is using Pinterest to host a promotional contest. Other than that, I like World Market — I shop there occasionally and am doing a little home and office redecorating — an extra $100 would go a long way! Not to mention, Pinterest is fun; it’s clear I’m not alone in this opinion as it’s the fastest growing social network to date. We can focus on the gender divide that says Pinterest draws many more women than men, and what that means for your marketing strategy, but if you KNOW your customer is female, why bother?

Are you using Pinterest for your business? Why or why not? Would you consider using the tool as a way to generate attention for your products and promote your brand?

What Social Data Really Tells Us

By Corporate Strategy, Marketing, Uncategorized

This is a VERY interesting infographic from the geniuses at Pivot, presented by that other genius Brian Solis.  It highlights what Brian likes to call The Perception Gap, or the difference between what marketers THINK their customers want versus what the customers actually TELL us they want. It’s a fascinating link worth checking out. While I wait.

OK, now that you’ve seen it, here is what I took from it:

Businesses, regardless of how much they blab about wanting to use social platforms to really get to know their customers, still operate from a blind spot oriented towards their own best interests. 

Which is to say, they OVERESTIMATE customers’ interest in things that are easy for these businesses to provide, like “product information,” and woefully UNDERESTIMATE for things that are more difficult or expensive to provide, like discounts and rewards and exclusive content.

What’s the upshot? USE THE DATA, MR. MARKETER!!! Don’t hide in the sand, own the reality and give them what they actually say they want, not what’s easiest for you! That’s how you’ll get them to become loyal to you.

Happy marketing!

People I Wish We Had the Opportunity to Partner with More Often, Part 1

By Marketing, Media, Social Media

This industry (marketing/public relations/social media) is filled with really outgoing and fun personalities. It’s not a huge surprise. I mean, we’re the communicators after all. But I have found that there are some people I’ve met who I am continually staying connected with in the hopes that we’ll have the opportunity to work together.

Billy Hunt is one of those people. He’s known for his commercial photography and documentary work with CLAW, but he’s more recently gained some national attention for the SCREAMatron. He was featured on the Today Show and in the New York Times, and basically, he’s sort of a big deal around here.

The second we start talking with a client about adding video to their web presence, I think of him. Check out this cool video he did for Boylan Heights (with original music!): Boylan Heights video

I love that are artists like Billy are here and able to make a living doing what they love.

Two Great Options for Running Promotions and Contests on Facebook the Right Way

By Marketing, Social Media

I know, I know; I’ve been railing on the many businesses violating Facebook terms of service for some time. I’m done. I’m trying to be more positive here and in doing so, want to share two GREAT options we all have for running contests and promotions on Facebook the right way.

Offerpop is a great option — free up to 100 fans/followers and very low priced for larger audiences, this tool gives you a great selection of ways to market your business.

Promotions like photo contests, quizzes, deals, fan profiles and more can be easily run from the Offerpop dashboard.

For more advanced users there’s ShortStack. It’s more complex and easier for the experienced user to navigate, but if you’re starting out with fewer than 2,000 likes on a Facebook page (that’s a lot) it’s a good, free option.

We have clients who have used Offerpop happily and recommend it — if you launch a trial campaign let us know — we’d love to get your feedback on these tools.

A little more here and less over there

By Jaggers Communications News, Marketing

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re under construction. After many rumblings and long ponderings, Marijean and the team have decided to spruce up the place a bit. We’re also releasing a monthly newsletter. (If you did not receive July’s, you can sign up here.)

Please pardon the mess, and I promise it will be nice and clean (and easier to navigate!) soon.